Cyber Safety Unit (2011-2012)

This year, we 7th graders have learned about safety online, which is also called cyber-safety. We learnt that bullying online can cause people to commit suicide, depression, or also harassment.

We learnt that in cyber-bullying, there are eight ways in which a victim can be cyber-bullied. The eight ways in which a victim can be cyberbullied are:

  • Flaming
  • Denigration
  • Exclusion
  • Outing
  • Trickery
  • Impersonation
  • Harassment
  • Cyber-stalking

In flaming, online fights, through emails, IM’s, chat rooms, etc. were angry, rude, or even offensive messages are exchanged.

In denigration, the bully often posts mean comments online through emails, IM’s, etc. Also, the bully sets up a website so the public could view the mean comments written to the victim.

In exclusion, the bully and some others exclude the victim from groups or friend online.

During outing, the bully shares secrets about the victim which might include private information,embarrassing pictures, or videos.

In trickery, a person acts like being friends with the victim and gets all of his/her personal information. Then the “so called friend” shares the secrets online.

During the cyber-bullying of Impersonation, the bully pretends to act like the victim and posts mean comments that might get the victim into trouble.

During harassment, the bully sends the victims malicious messages to someone online repeatedly.

In cyber-stalking, the victim is continuously harassed and denigrated. This type usually also includes threats or harms.

We also learned that when a person is the victim in cyber-bully, it is the best choice to not hide it from elders who could help in many ways. If a person hides this information from their guardians or any trusted adult, the victim could be led to serious disturbance during his/her lifetime.

It is best to tell the situation to a trusted adult because the adult could help the victim by reporting to the police. For example, some students dealt with cyber-bullying by telling a trusted adult the situation. The trusted adult could call the police and inform the police of the act done by the bully. In such cases, the bully might need to pay to the victim and/or leave the school.
Other ways to deal with cyber-bullying is to ignore the person. This can make the bully bored of what he is doing and eventually stop bullying the victim.
Another way to deal with cyber-bullying is to talk to the bully in a kind manner asking him questions that would make him into the victim’s position. In this manner, the bully would understand what it feels like to be a victim in cyber-bullying. This could lead to friendship and the stop to the cyber-bullying of the victim.
If a person doesn’t seem to stop, the best way to deal with this is to ask a trusted adult what to do next.
During the cyber-bullying unit this year, we also acted out a skit on how a person can be cyber-bullied, even if the victim is minding his or her


We also watched videos’ from for examples of cyber-bullying cases that are real around the world.
The best part of this year’s’ cyber-bullying unit was the story which we wrote on a topic that we were assigned to do. I liked this assignment because we could use our imagination to write a fictional story which could occur in real life.

Thank you Ms. Thompson for the amazing year in technology. Have a great summer.

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